Tuesday 1 January 2013

New layout for AML & Screening Vendors list and more..

I would like to introduce two features on AMLabc which were added recently:

  1. New layout of the AML and Screening Vendors list
  2. Additional tabs of information on the posts

1.New layout of the AML and Screening Vendors list

It took a while before I came up with the current AML Vendors and Screening Vendors list on AMLabc. I found some on my own and for others many vendors approached me to get their product added. Finally this list started building up and now I have 19 Screening software vendors and 36 AML software vendors.

Initially there were only a few Vendors so I must admit I paid least attention on making it user friendly and hence the list looked somehow like the one below :

(screenshot: Screening Vendors list)

But after the numbers increased, I had to come with something better and more user friendlier.
Here I present the updated and refined version of the same list !!!

(screenshot: New layout of Screening Vendors list)

As you can see the vendor logos are now arranged in a cleaner GRID like structure and for additional details, when you take your mouse over, a new box will appear where you will find the available information (check out the box encircled in red square). 

Please visit the AML Vendors and Screening Vendors list yourself and hope you find the new navigation useful.

2. Additional tabs of information on the posts
When I started to work on the above lists, I also added a new enhancements on the posts you visit frequently for the detailed story. Let me introduce you the tabbed information block on post pages:

(screenshot: New layout of Screening Vendors list)

Previously you only had the "Related posts" option where you would get related news/stories to the one you are currently reading. Now I have upgraded into a tabbed structure where you can see a few new tabs where you can get information about new additional features on AMLabc, random AML case studies, Latest news and comments. Hope you find this additional feature helpful to deep-dive into this AML repository.

Caution: Microsoft as usual introduces many challenges when it comes to web pages. So this list might behave differently in I.E 7 and I.E 6 even though I think I have covered these ;-)