Sunday 11 November 2012

Interested to view AML history on timeline?

Sometime back I saw a very good tool on a website which showed what happened in the past with respect to AML fines etc. I found out a few days back that the link is not working anymore. The obvious thing to do was to browse their complete website to find out if they have changed the location, which I did, but could not find out. Then I contacted them via Twitter last week, still no response. It struck me that as AMLabc is also a repository of AML information, why not have a timeline where major news/updates can be highlighted on a historical scale.

And here it is :

 "AML timelines on historical scale"

I grabbed a base structure of the timeline from one of the libraries available on the web and started connecting it to my repository. To start with I think having AML fines will give a good start to view what happened in the past. Hence I started with linking the Sanctions and Fines section of AMLabc and populating it on this timeline. Some of the unique features you will see are as follows:

  1. You can use the mouse scroll wheel to zoom-in/zoom-out the timeline and narrow down on a preiod;
  2. When you click on the event, you will see a popup with a summary of what that information is about;
  3. In the same popup there is a link on right bottom corner which will take you to the webpage which has the complete information;
  4. Whenever you want, click the “RESET” link to go back to the original timeline.
As this is still in the "beta" stage (or enhancement phase), you might encounter some bug. Please feel free to send an email and I will fix it. 

Sanctions and Fines is only a start, in coming days I will try to add more relevant information as I believe having something pictorially allows to grasp more than words. 

I will really appreciate if you can share your comments/suggestions/feedback for this initiative. Please do tell me what else you think might be interesting to add.

Thanks for reading...
